
Thursday, May 28, 2020

cool commenting and brilliant blogging

Welcome back to my blog. Today we will be looking at my reading work for this week.

 My Goal is : L2 - recognise the different features and purposes of different types.

This week for our create we made a Slideshow, Poster or a Screencastify. This is mine.


do you know anything about commenting or blogging?

cool commenting and briliant blogging

Welcome back to my blog. Today i will tell you about blogging.
 for writing this week we were learning all about blogging.
My goal is : L2: show that different text types have different features. 
This week for our create we made a slide, or doc to show our understanding of blogs.
hope you enjoy reading my blog. 

Do you have any Tips

Unit Fractions

This week we were learning about Unit Fractions. A Unit fraction has always got a 1 as the numerator.
 my goal is: ordering unit fractions. i made a screencastify. I hope you learn something about Unit Fractions.

what do you know about Unit Fractions?

Thursday, May 21, 2020

magic maths

Learning goal: L2: find fraction of a number by trial with addition facts.
this week we made a screencastify to share our learning my screencastify is on the last slide.